On Wednesday 17th October Lodge Union 244 handed over cheques totalling £4,000 to seven groups as a result of the brethren’s annual sponsored walk which has raised thousands of pounds for charity since its inception back in 1999.
More than 60 walkers completed the challenge from Strathclyde Park to Stonehouse which meant a variety of local groups benefited.
Representatives from Royal Albert Football Club, Stonehouse Brighter Village, Lanarkshire Cancer Care Drivers, Friends of Stonehouse Park, St Ninians Foodbank, Trust Jack, The Alama group & The Scout Group
Lodge Union’s Right Worshipful Master Bro Callum Macgregor presented the cheques to the volunteers.
He said: “We were delighted to welcome these local organisations into the Lodge. These groups do fantastic work in the village & surrounding area and we hope our donations will help them to continue to thrive.
“Our sponsored walk is always well attended and we get great support not just from the brethren but from their families and friends.”
More than 60 walkers completed the challenge from Strathclyde Park to Stonehouse which meant a variety of local groups benefited.
Representatives from Royal Albert Football Club, Stonehouse Brighter Village, Lanarkshire Cancer Care Drivers, Friends of Stonehouse Park, St Ninians Foodbank, Trust Jack, The Alama group & The Scout Group
Lodge Union’s Right Worshipful Master Bro Callum Macgregor presented the cheques to the volunteers.
He said: “We were delighted to welcome these local organisations into the Lodge. These groups do fantastic work in the village & surrounding area and we hope our donations will help them to continue to thrive.
“Our sponsored walk is always well attended and we get great support not just from the brethren but from their families and friends.”
On Friday 27th October RWM Bro John Thomson held Lodge Union 244 inaugural Valedictory dinner, He welcomed Grand Secretary Bro William Semple, PRWSGM Bro James C Peddie, also RWPGM Bro John S Drummond & RWPGS Bro Scott J MacLean as well as Lodge office bearers.
A fantastic evening ensued with toasts, speeches and harmony
A fantastic evening ensued with toasts, speeches and harmony
local organisations donations aug 2023
The village’s Lodge Union 244 this week handed over cheques totalling £2,000 to eight groups as a result of the brethren’s annual sponsored walk which has raised thousands of pounds for charity since its inception back in 1999.
More than 50 walkers completed the challenge from Strathclyde Park to Stonehouse which meant a variety of local groups benefited.
Representatives from Stonehouse Boys’ Brigade, Girls Brigade, Scouts, Guides, Friends of Stonehouse Park, Royal Albert boys football team attended the Lodge’s premises in Green Street to be presented with their cheques for £250 as well as those from the Maggie’s Centre and Alma group.
Lodge Union’s Right Worshipful Master John Thomson presented the cheques to the volunteers.
He said: “We were delighted to welcome the organisations into the Lodge. These groups do fantastic work in the village and we hope our donations will help them to continue to thrive.
“Our sponsored walk is always well attended and we get great support not just from the brethren but from their families and friends.”
More than 50 walkers completed the challenge from Strathclyde Park to Stonehouse which meant a variety of local groups benefited.
Representatives from Stonehouse Boys’ Brigade, Girls Brigade, Scouts, Guides, Friends of Stonehouse Park, Royal Albert boys football team attended the Lodge’s premises in Green Street to be presented with their cheques for £250 as well as those from the Maggie’s Centre and Alma group.
Lodge Union’s Right Worshipful Master John Thomson presented the cheques to the volunteers.
He said: “We were delighted to welcome the organisations into the Lodge. These groups do fantastic work in the village and we hope our donations will help them to continue to thrive.
“Our sponsored walk is always well attended and we get great support not just from the brethren but from their families and friends.”
Lodge St Maurs kilmaurs 1398 visit
On Wednesday 9th November Lodge Union visited Lodge St Maurs Kilmaurs 1398 and conferred a FC Degree, pictured below RWM Bro Robert Greig along with our own RWM Bro Michael Mathew along with another 5 reigning RWM`s.
local organisations donations
On Thursday 29th September RWM Bro Michael Mathew welcomed representatives from The Hope Cafe, The Trust Jack Foundation, The Avondyke Training Centre & the 3 local Royal Albert boys football teams who received a donation of £500 & £600 respectively from funds raised at the lodges annual sponsored walk earlier in the year.
hamper donations
RWM Bro James Macgregor PM, Almoner Bro Hugh Smith PM & Treasurer Bro David Paterson visited Stonehouse Hospital, Canderavon nursing home & Avonhaugh nursing in Stonehouse and donated a luxury Christmas hamper to each of them on behalf of Lodge Union 244. They were greatly received by the staff during these difficult times.
distinguished SERVICE AWARD
At the lodge regular meeting on Thursday 12th March 2020, Bro William Brown Cowie received a distinguished service award marking 40 years in the craft, and also to recognise the amazing charity work and fund raising he has carried out over the years, Both our RWM Bro James Macgregor and Bro Craig MacDonald paid testament to Bro Williams achievements over the years, and PGL chaplain Bro Scott McLean PM 1289, also made his remarks and passed on his best wishes and congratulations from all at PGL Lanarkshire Upper Ward.
local charities support
On Thursday 7th November 2019, RWM Bro Ross Thomson welcomed representatives from 4 local Stonehouse Organisations, where they received a donation of £500 each, this money was raised through several events throughout the year within Lodge Union.
Pictured below RWM Bro Ross Thomson presenting the cheques to representatives from -
Stonehouse Brighter Village
Cander Avon Care Home
The Trust Jack Foundation
Stonehouse Scout & Guides
The organisations involved were absolutely delighted with the support from Lodge Union.
Pictured below RWM Bro Ross Thomson presenting the cheques to representatives from -
Stonehouse Brighter Village
Cander Avon Care Home
The Trust Jack Foundation
Stonehouse Scout & Guides
The organisations involved were absolutely delighted with the support from Lodge Union.
memorial service - st ayles 95 anstruther
On Friday 17th May 2019, brothers Gavin Templeton, Greg Templeton, Jim Templeton, Alan McLuckie, Craig MacDonald, William Miller, David Paterson & William McVeigh Jnr, visited Lodge St Ayles 95 Anstruther, where they witnessed a memorial service for PM Bro David Templeton.
Brother Bob Davidson PM, presided over the memorial lodge and delivered a very moving and apt service to a very sadly missed Brother.
The sum of £100 was collected by the assembled brethren, which will be donated to McMillan cancer care.
Brother Bob Davidson PM, presided over the memorial lodge and delivered a very moving and apt service to a very sadly missed Brother.
The sum of £100 was collected by the assembled brethren, which will be donated to McMillan cancer care.
regular meeting Thursday 11th april 2019
RWM Bro Ross Thomson welcomed a fine deputation from Lodge Old St John 21 Lanark, headed by RWM Bro Andrew Scott, the deputation was suitably enhanced by the RWPGM Bro John S Drummond, and Grand Junior Chaplain Bro Billy White, A very fine FC Degree was carried out on 2 EA`s from Lodge Trades House Glasgow 1241.
Pictured below - Bro Terry Stoddart PM Trades House 1241, RWM Bro Robert Holmes Henderson Trades House 1241, RWPGM Bro John S Drummond, RWM Bro Ross Thomson, RWM Bro Andrew Scott OSJ 21, RWM Bro Charles Cree Avon Glassford 1231, Grand Chaplain Bro Billy White.
Pictured below - Bro Terry Stoddart PM Trades House 1241, RWM Bro Robert Holmes Henderson Trades House 1241, RWPGM Bro John S Drummond, RWM Bro Ross Thomson, RWM Bro Andrew Scott OSJ 21, RWM Bro Charles Cree Avon Glassford 1231, Grand Chaplain Bro Billy White.
DIamond jubilee certificate
On Thursday 14th March at Lodge Unions regular meeting, Pm Bro Jack Goldie was presented with his diamond Jubilee certificate, to recognise an amazing 60 years service in freemasonry, pictured is RWM Bro Ross Thomson presenting Bro Jack with his certificate, also a deputation from Lodge Kil bryd 1667, where Bro Jack served as RWM.
Belfast visit 2019
On February 8th The lodge led by RWM Bro Ross Thomson made its annual pilgrimage to Lodge Star of the East 37 (I.C) Belfast, where we witnessed Bro Victor Moore being installed onto the chair of King Solomon, another fantastic weekend was had by all - "Ye nata min"
Lodge charity tough mudder
On Saturday 16th June, Bros Gavin Templeton/Greg Templeton/Craig Carenduff/Douglas Baxter/Phillip Baxter/Aidan Pattie & Mr Ian Taylor battled a 12 mile assault course, in aid of a very special cause - Macmillan Cancer Care.
In excess of a magical £12000 has been raised over the last 6 months or so, and a cheque will be handed over in due course(watch this space).
In excess of a magical £12000 has been raised over the last 6 months or so, and a cheque will be handed over in due course(watch this space).
gallon of whisky raffle draw
On Thursday 7th June, IPM Bro Craig Carenduff drew the winning ticket for the gallon bottle of whisky, the lucky winner and recipient was PM Bro Scott MacLean from Lodge Nethan St John no 1289 - well done Scott!
The raffle raised the excellent sum of £1525 for MacMillan cancer support, we at lodge Union thank all the brethren that took part in the raffle over the past 5 months.
The raffle raised the excellent sum of £1525 for MacMillan cancer support, we at lodge Union thank all the brethren that took part in the raffle over the past 5 months.
grand lodge installation
On Thursday 30th November at Grand Lodge in freemasons hall Edinburgh, past master of Lodge Union 244 Bro Craig MacDonald was installed as a Grand Lodge steward, the brethren of Lodge Union congratulate PM Bro Craig on receiving this great accolade. - "well done bro Craig".
local charity donation
On behalf of the right worshipful master Bro Craig Carenduff, Immediate past master Bro Alan McLuckie welcomed representatives from 4 local charities - Stonehouse hospital Lockhart unit, The Hope Café Stonehouse, The Jubilee club Stonehouse, and Lanarkshire cancer care trust.
Back in May, twelve brethren and two of the brethrens partners walked the West Highland Way over 5 days, and a grand total of £4000 was raised by all the walkers.
Bro Alan McLuckie presented each of the 4 charities with a donation of £1000
Back in May, twelve brethren and two of the brethrens partners walked the West Highland Way over 5 days, and a grand total of £4000 was raised by all the walkers.
Bro Alan McLuckie presented each of the 4 charities with a donation of £1000
Brethren from Lodge Union 244 from 1966 in procession through Stonehouse, making their way to the new bridge between Stonehouse and canderside toll, where they unveiled the plaque to commemorate the opening of the bridge (thanks to PM Bro Mason Stewart for providing the slides which were converted to pictures)
Provincial charity donation
The recent provincial Grand lodge of Lanarkshire upper ward fishing competition raised an excellent sum of £300, the cheque was handed over by our own PGM Bro Alex Thomson, and provincial fishing convener PM Bro Craig MacDonald to St Andrews Hospice representative Mr John Brady, Pictured with the PGM are other provincial office bearers, the RWM of Lodge Union, brethren from Lodge Union 244 and Lodge Newlands 949.
Belfast trip of yesteryear
PM Bro alex Ritchie provided this pic of his year as rwm visiting lodge star of the east
(pics provided by pm bro mason stewart)
At the building of all stately edifices, an army of articifers were employed, however these 2 needed a break after 5 minutes
Regular Meeting - Thursday March 23rd 2017
RWM Bro Craig Carenduff welcomed RWM Bro Charles Scott and his large and distinguished deputation from Lodge old st john no 21 Lanark, further enhancing his deputation were 4 other reigning masters from the upper ward of Lanarkshire - RWM Bro David Johnston lodge st John no 20, RWM Bro Alan Gibb lodge Hozier no 912, RWM Bro William Wilson lodge Abington Arbory no 1081 and RWM Bro Andrew Ironside lodge Biggar free operative no 167
RWM Bro Craig Carenduff welcomed RWM Bro Charles Scott and his large and distinguished deputation from Lodge old st john no 21 Lanark, further enhancing his deputation were 4 other reigning masters from the upper ward of Lanarkshire - RWM Bro David Johnston lodge st John no 20, RWM Bro Alan Gibb lodge Hozier no 912, RWM Bro William Wilson lodge Abington Arbory no 1081 and RWM Bro Andrew Ironside lodge Biggar free operative no 167
lodge union 244 - jubilee presentation:
Brother Alfie Macgregor PM celebrated 50-years of freemasonry and was presented with his Jubilee Certificate at the Annual Installation Ceremony along with his son Brother James Macgregor PM and grandson Brother Callum Macgregor.
lodge union 244 - 2016 Annual installation:
Lodge Union 244 - fundraising donations:
On Thursday 1st September 2016, RWM Brother Alan McLuckie proudly handed over cheques of £200 each to the local organisations of Stonehouse: Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, TABS & Friends of Stonehouse Park.
Lodge Union 244 has been busy during the year with fundraising efforts such as our annual sponsored walk, 5-a-side tournament and other social evenings which raise much needed funds.
Lodge Union 244 has been busy during the year with fundraising efforts such as our annual sponsored walk, 5-a-side tournament and other social evenings which raise much needed funds.
Lodge union 244 - Visit to star of the east no. 37 (I.C.)
Past Master - Brother Hugh Smith presents gifts to our Irish Brethren to mark over 40-years of visitations between the two lodges.
Visit to Shirley lodge 4978 - e.c.
Brother Secretary - Stuart Reilly presenting a gift from Lodge Union 244 to Worshipful Master - David Clarkson - Shirley Lodge 4978 (E.C.) - Annual Installation Ceremony - Yorkshire West Riding Province.
2015 - Lodge union 244 - Installation:
2014 - lodge union 244 - installation:
Brother Alexander L. Thorburn PM & Brother Thomas Smith PM - With Provincial Grand Lodge Lanarkshire Upper Ward
Brother Alexander L. Thorburn PM & Brother Thomas Smith PM - With Provincial Grand Lodge Lanarkshire Upper Ward